Internet of Things Trends
Last month was the IOT World Congress. It was presenting a lot of changes in the digital world and it showed us the world we want to live in and work in the future.
Very amazing part organized by the Barcelona Technology School was that there had been 3 experts who had been presenting their work to us.
The first speaker who came was Sudha Jamthe. She is from Standford University and a CEO of Her main part of the work is the smart mobility and the future transportation.
Following to her, was Karsten Jensen. He is from Denmark and is a Director of Innovation at Insero. He presented something that we have never been thinking about in the past. Basically, what they are doing is optimizing the city, so they are developing a smart city in Denmark due to IOT.
However, the last person who came here was Christian Mastrodonato. He took a mathematical overview and related the different parts together. For the first time in my life I saw a logical relation between parts of the IOT world connected by mathematics. That was very interesting for me.
Written by Jan Pureber, Master in Digital Transformation Leadership student at Barcelona Technology School