Executive Master in Digital Healthcare*

Reshape healthcare services through digital innovation and leadership.


  • 9 MONTHS


The introduction of digital disruptions are reshaping healthcare services, improving citizens quality of life but also optimizing the way in which we manage public and private health ecosystems.

The main aim of our interdisciplinary Executive Master in Digital Health is to build a digital health workforce to bridge the current knowledge gap between health and technology in order to address the health-related societal challenges throughout the development and implementation of evidence-based digital solutions.

Health and social care systems, insurers, service providers, pharmaceutical companies and the broad range of stakeholders that are part of the health ecosystem need to adapt and embrace emerging disruptive technologies in order to gain competitiveness, create new business models or simply ensure the sustainability of the system.

What will I learn?

The Executive Master in Digital Health will provide with the necessary tools, methods, legal framework and technological expertise of the health ecosystem in order to develop and implement patient-centric solutions which address societal needs while developing new business opportunities.

This programme of study is aimed at students who have a degree in Health Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences or Mathematics and who would like to develop their professional career in this field.

The program allows participants to continue working full-time while pursuing the degree, and to interact with peers from across the globe.

Program details

  • Part-Time Program
  • Barcelona
  • 9 Months
  • English
  • Starts October 2024 | April 2025
  • 15.500€
  • Available ON CAMPUS | ONLINE*

* Thanks to our hybrid methodology you can take advantage of this program in an on-campus or remote format.

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Master awarded by Barcelona Technology School and the IL3-University of Barcelona, ranked best university in Spain.

Program partners:

Consorci de Salut i Social de Catalunya, La Unió, Sociedad Española de Directivos de la Salud (SEDISA), Athenea Healthcare Group, Barcelona Health Hub, CatSalut, Institut Català de la Salut, TIC Salut, Sociedad Valenciana de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria (SoVaMFiC), Asociación Salud Digital, Barcelona Digital Talent, Sanofi, B.Braun.


Project-based learning

Health and social care systems

  1. The healthcare ecosystem and value chain
  2. Organisation (planning, allocation of resources, provision)
  3. Health and social care models
  4. Care delivery models
  5. Developing Chronic Care and Integrated Care models for people with complex conditions
  6. Quality assessment
  7. Healthcare Centre Management

Public health

  1. Public health strategy
  2. Health and society
  3. Healthcare reform and public health challenges
  4. Public health research
  5. Epidemiology
  6. Economic appraisal
  7. Grand societal challenges

Health and care information technologies

  1. Fundamental concepts
  2. Legacy systems in healthcare
  3. Information systems in social care
  4. Standards and interoperability
  5. Conceptual framework in medical documentation
  6. Medical devices, wearables and sensors
  7. Adoption and maturity models
  8. ICT strategic planning and key technologies and architectures
  9. Cybersecurity

Digital transformation in healthcare

  1. The context of the 4th industrial revolution and the VUCA world
  2. Disruptive technologies
    • IoT
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Blockchain
    • Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality
    • Persuasive technologies and behaviour change
  3. Digital transformation
  4. Digital transformation in the healthcare industry
  5. Digital transformation methodologies

Data-driven healthcare

  1. Harnessing the power of data
  2. Data governance
  3. Secondary usage of data
  4. Business intelligence
  5. AI techniques (predictive modelling, NLP, etc.)
  6. Clinical Decision Support Software
  7. Integrating multiple sources of data

Innovation in digital health

  1. Discovering framework
  2. Ideation & validation processes
  3. Types and levels of innovation
  4. Management of the innovation portfolio
  5. Innovative organizations
  6. Ethical principles in innovation with human subjects
  7. Generating evidence
  8. Publication of results
  9. Evaluation frameworks

Introduction to implementation science

  1. Implementation science fundamentals
  2. Theory, methods and frameworks
  3. Barriers and facilitators of digital health implementation
  4. Design, development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
  5. Cases

Management and leadership

  1. Project management
  2. Project planning, execution and monitoring
  3. Agile methodologies
  4. Change management
  5. Financial basics
  6. Digital culture
  7. Managing digital talent

Legal tech

  1. Ethical considerations in health care
  2. Data privacy
  3. Patents and rights
  4. Confidentiality, integrity and availability
  5. Legal frameworks
  6. App as a medical device
  7. Regulation of Drug Development

Digital Health entrepreneurship

  1. Lean startup
  2. Funding sources
  3. Health care business models
  4. Digital health hubs
  5. From an idea to market
  6. Corporate Venturing


During the program students have to work on a final project aimed at developing a digital transformation strategy for a healthcare or pharma institution that wants to operate successfully in digital environments.



Highly qualified instructors and well known professionals


Real & experienced professionals will mentor your digital projects


Visit and learn from the tech leaders


Inspire your own projects and new disruptive digital business


Digital Labs & innovation projects exposure


Diverse student groups at BTS reflect the industry demand for talent

Background Diversity

Professionals with different backgrounds will share unique experience and exchange the ideas.

Valuable connections

You will meet with the most passionate professionals and will build a solid network of industry leaders.

Competitive advantage

Be in the spearhead of change in any enterprise. Analyze and manage projects with the most efficient methods.

About BTS

Strategic Advisory Board

Industry leaders, with experience in global digital brands, help
to develop talent ready to shape a better digital future.

Ángel García
C. Mastrodonato
Sudha Jamthe
Silicon Valley
Sergio Gago
Ricardo Baeza
Silicon Valley
Marko Gargenta
San Francisco
Academic Board

A Team of international experts. BTS most important value.

Program Fees

The program includes:
  • Full immersion into Barcelona’s digital ecosystem
  • Valuable knowledge through visits to digital companies and tech labs
  • Professional and inspiring international digital leaders
  • Personal experience thanks to low rate attendees per program

How to Apply

If you are passionate about Healthcare sector and would like to develop the best digital skills and have a master experience in Barcelona… we just need from you:

1. Application Form. Fill the application form.

2. Motivation letter. You must send to the admissions office the application form, your CV as well as a motivation letter explaining how you think the healthcare industry will be in the next five years and how you could contribute to the transformation of this sector.

3. Assessment. Our admission officers, as well as the director of the program, will analyze your candidature and if you meet the profile of Barcelona Technology School, we will call you to have a chat.

Shape the
Digital Future


Join us to shape the digital future

We would love you join this exciting journey of transformation.

The digital ecosystem has become the new status quo, it is changing entire industries and business, relationships and any other aspect of our lives.

Our purpose is to help you to generate a digital impact able to make a better world made of human technology.

Are you ready? Connect with us, we hope to see you soon in Barcelona.

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