José E. Rodríguez
José E. Rodríguez
Current position
Co-Founder at Smoking Brains / Agile Coach, Software Craftsman at Runroom.
Software Development / Business Model Innovation / Agile Methodologies.
José E. Rodríguez studied Computer Science in Cuba. He has more than 10 years of experience in software development applied to sectors like tourism, security, logistics and online marketing, and he has incorporated to his repertoire of skills and tools, agile methodologies, with experiences of using XP, KANBAN and SCRUM, of which he holds various certifications from the Scrum Alliance (CSM, CSPO, CSD).
He currently acts as a consultant, agile coach and trainer in various organizations and participates actively during his free time in the Agile Barcelona community, Toastmasters International Club and the Software Craftsmanship Barcelona community of which he is a co-founder.