Pau de Jorge Aranda
Pau de Jorge Aranda
Current position
Data Scientist – Project Manager at Satellogic / Data Analysis professor at Barcelona Technology School
Data Science / Machine Learning / Deep Learning / Computer Vision / Remote Sensing
Pau de Jorge is a Data Scientist, enthusiastic about Machine Learning, mathematical modelling and science for social impact. He has a solid quantitative background, with two bachelor degrees in Mathematics and Physics. He graduated first of his class from an MSc degree in applied mathematics and machine learning from one of the top engineering schools in France. He has worked in several data Science projects that range from DNA structure modelling with AI to developing end to end deep learning solutions for 3D body modelling and pose estimation, going through the study of neural coding of sensorial information in monkeys.
Currently, he is working as a Data Scientist in Satellogic to exploit the enormous stream of data that is generated by observing the Earth daily to help us understand the world and how we can improve it. He works with state-of-the-art deep learning pipelines as well as classic Machine Learning and image processing techniques to transform images and other data sources into knowledge. As a project manager, he organizes the workload and supervises the development of various Data Science projects, nevertheless, in most of them he also has an active role as a developer. He is also working as a freelance data science professor at Barcelona Technology school, combining the theoretical foundations of machine learning with hands-on python exercises.